Eye Conditions

Ptosis – Droopy Eyelids

What is Ptosis?

Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid and is commonly associated with the natural ageing process as the muscles around the eyes and eyebrows weaken.

Occasionally, it can be a congenital condition that affects children at birth and if untreated can lead to amblyopia (lazy eye). If amblyopia is not treated early in childhood, it can lead to permanent poor vision.

Sometimes, an injury, trauma or underlying eye condition can cause ptosis if the muscles or nerves that control eyelids movement are damaged.

One or both eyelids may be affected by ptosis, and it may cause only a slight drooping or in extreme cases can restrict or block vision.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of ptosis may be consistent or may be more prevalent when fatigued, and can range from very mild and unnoticeable to severe.

  • Drooping eyelid/s
  • Crossed eyes and/or double vision
  • Tilting head back in order to see
  • Eye and forehead fatigue
  • Difficulty closing the eye or blinking
  • Dry or watery eyes
  • Eye pain
  • Obstructed vision

What is Ptosis?

Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid and is commonly associated with the natural ageing process as the muscles around the eyes and eyebrows weaken.

Occasionally, it can be a congenital condition that affects children at birth and if untreated can lead to amblyopia (lazy eye). If amblyopia is not treated early in childhood, it can lead to permanent poor vision.

Sometimes, an injury, trauma or underlying eye condition can cause ptosis if the muscles or nerves that control eyelids movement are damaged.

One or both eyelids may be affected by ptosis, and it may cause only a slight drooping or in extreme cases can restrict or block vision.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of ptosis may be consistent or may be more prevalent when fatigued, and can range from very mild and unnoticeable to severe.

  • Drooping eyelid/s
  • Crossed eyes and/or double vision
  • Tilting head back in order to see
  • Eye and forehead fatigue
  • Difficulty closing the eye or blinking
  • Dry or watery eyes
  • Eye pain
  • Obstructed vision

Ptosis: Droopy Eyelid

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Droopy Eyelid Treatment and Surgery

Treatment is relatively fast and straightforward and can be improved by an oculoplastic surgeon specialising in ptosis repair – an operation to correct drooping of the eyelid and restore eyelid appearance.


  • Ptosis Repair is a surgical procedure that aims to restore normal lid position. This is sometimes performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty.


  • Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove or reposition the excess skin for either functional, visual or cosmetic reasons.


  • Brow surgery may also be recommended, although this is far less common.


Children with ptosis also require consideration of vision development and may necessitate patching therapy or more than one surgical procedure to achieve the best outcome.

Droopy Eyelid Surgery

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