What do floaters and flashes look like?
Eye floaters often look like dark dots, specks, cobwebs, hairs, or squiggly lines in your vision and flashes can look like lightning or a camera flash in your peripheral (side) vision.
Floaters, on its own, they are usually not serious, especially if you’ve had them for a long time and your vision is not affected.
The sudden increase in floaters or new flashes of light may signal a more serious condition such a Retinal Tear or Detachment which requires urgent medical assessment to diagnose and treat.

What causes eye floaters and flashes?
Floaters and flashes are commonly caused by natural ageing process called a Posterior Vitreous Detachment or PVD, when the vitreous gel begins to change consistency, shrink, and eventually separates from the retina.
During this process, the vitreous gel forms tiny protein clumps and membranes that cast distinctive shadows on your retina, causing the appearance of floaters.
Flashes or streaks of light at the side of your vision are generally caused when the vitreous gel rubs or pulls on the retina as it shrinks and usually should resolve over a few weeks.

How can I get rid of floaters in my eyes?
If the cause of the floaters has been ascertained and the patient is not significantly bothered, the floaters can be left alone. Within two months of onset, floaters may shrink or condense, or become less noticeable as your brain “tunes them out”.
In certain cases, floaters can significantly affect a person’s quality of vision, especially if they are clumpy and overlay their central vision. Vitrectomy surgery or laser vitreolysis are treatment options.
A surgery offered only by vitreoretinal trained ophthalmologists and is the definitive way of eradicating the floaters.
A procedure offered by most ophthalmologists. It breaks the floater by into smaller bits, usually requires a few rounds of treatments, improves symptoms, but does not ‘remove’ the floaters per se.
Your Ophthalmologist will be able to recommend the best course of action depending on a comprehensive eye assessment.
Are floaters after cataract surgery normal?
Noticing floaters after cataract surgery is a fairly common problem and usually not serious.
Often, these floaters are already present in your vitreous before surgery, and you may not have noticed them because your vision was already impacted by cataracts. After cataract surgery, you may notice floaters more as your vision clears from the intraocular lens (IOL).
However, any new flashes or sudden increase in floaters should still prompt a thorough eye assessment.
When should I worry about floaters?
In most cases, floaters and flashes are not a problem, however you should seek urgent medical attention from an eye specialist (Optometrist or Ophthalmologist) if you experience any of these symptoms:
These symptoms can indicate a serious sight-threatening condition, such as a Retinal Tear or Detachment, that may cause permanent vision loss.
Eye Specialist Institute provides access to ophthalmic care for emergency after-hours and weekend appointments, and you can contact us on 1800 RETINA (1800 738 462).
Where to Find Us
Ground Floor, 2 Short Street,
Southport QLD 4215
Level 2, 1 Lake Orr Drive, “Bermuda Point”, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227
Level 2, The Strand, 72-80 Marine Parade, Coolangatta QLD 4225